Install Budgie Desktop on Linux

Are you tired of the default desktop environment of your Linux distribution and want to try something different? The solution is called Budgie Desktop, the desktop environment of Solus OS. Here is how to install Budgie Desktop on Linux.

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Access Linux partitions from Windows

If on Linux you can access the files in Windows without any problem, the same can not be said to the contrary. But there is a way to access Linux partitions from Windows thanks to Explore2fs.

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Install and configure a firewall on Ubuntu

Laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, etc. … in the current era we hardly find an electronic device that isn’t connected to the Internet. It is very practical to have the full power of the Net at our fingertips, but unfortunately it is not without risks as the threat of being hacked is a real threat.
One of the best ways to mitigate this risk is to install and configure a firewall. Let see how to do it on Ubuntu.
Install and configure a firewall on Ubuntu

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