Enable Firefox hardware acceleration on Linux

Despite its past, Mozilla Firefox browser is now as fast and agile as its rival Google Chrome, but there is one aspect where the open source browser still loses a few points: the GPU hardware acceleration support on GNU/Linux. With this guide we will see how to enable Firefox hardware acceleration on Linux and therefore improving its performances.
The guide has been tested on Ubuntu LTS 14:04 with the proprietary NVIDIA drivers and Mozilla Firefox 34.0, but it should be valid for all distribution of Linux and newer versions of Mozilla Firefox.

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How To Change Timezone on a Linux server

If you are renting a, or hosting your own, Linux server with a major service provider, chance are that it is hosted on a data center on a different time zone than you work/live.
For the most part it isn’t an impairment on using the service, but one of the few inconveniences is the extra attention that you must pay when you are doing some activity that involve dates, like setting a cron job or analyzing the logs and matching them to the activities you made. This inconvenience is caused by the fact that usually the server time is set on the local time of the data center where it resides and not your place of work or house.
One solution of this inconvenience is to change the timezone setting on the Linux server to match your.

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