How to change Ubuntu DNS

For most users the DNS servers provided by their ISP may suffice, but some user may need DNS that are faster, safer and with far fewer restrictions for online browsing.
To change the DNS servers in Ubuntu, you need to modify the file ‘dhclient.conf’.

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Check for LCD dead pixels on Linux with LCD Nurse

One of the major problems encountered with LCD monitors is the “dead pixels”: all of a sudden we start to see white or black dots that remain visible regardless of what we are displaying.
Fortunately this kind problem is covered by any major monitor warranty and if we start to notice those dead pixels in time before the warranty is over, we can ask for a RMA. But there is one catch before we can send the monitor to the manufacturer: are we sure that those apparently dead pixels are indeed hardware-ly dead and it is not just a bug in the graphics card drivers or in the operating system itself?

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Add and remove Linux users using the terminal

Nowadays the GUI interface on any desktop Linux distribution is so advanced that the average user can fulfill any task without any difficulty; still, the old command line allows us to speed up any of such activity because it allows us to give direct commands instead of navigating through thousand windows and options.
For example, lets examine the following commands for adding and removing an user account from the command line.

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