Install MintMenu on Ubuntu Mate

With this guide we will see how to install MintMenu on Ubuntu Mate.
Ubuntu Mate is an Ubuntu’s derivative distribution made by Canonical that use MATE as desktop environment instead of the Ubuntu’s default Unity. MintMenu is a modern menu that provides a quick access to our favorite apps and a search bar where we can carry out targeted searches and much more; MintMenu also offers numerous options to customize it to our preferences.

To install MintMenu on Ubuntu Mate, first we need to activate the appropriate external repository: ppa:eugenesan/ppa; you can find a detailed guide on how to manage additional repositories on Ubuntu, but for the quick version open the terminal and give the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mintmenu

Once installed:

  • right-click on the MATE’s panel;
  • select “Add to Panel”;
  • choose MintMenu;
  • Move it where you like it to be.

To customize MintMenu, right-click on it and choose “Preferences”.

Marco Di Fresco