How to fix the Heartbleed bug on your Linux Server

In the last few days a serious bug, nicknamed Heartbleed, has been found in the cryptographic software library OpenSSL.
This bug allows any ill-intentioned hacker to read the memory of the systems with the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software installed; with this kind of access an attacker can read the secret keys used to encrypt the traffic to the server including the usernames and passwords of the users and the actual content.
Fortunately only the 1.0.1 series (up to 1.0.1f) and 1.0.2-beta series (up to 1.0.2-beta1) of OpenSSL are affected by the Heartbleed bug.

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How to play DVD on Ubuntu

Surely most of you have some, if not many, movies on DVD and you are used to watch them on the PC.
Unfortunately, due to licensing Ubuntu is released only with free codecs for multimedia playback and therefore it requires few additional steps to have the codecs for proprietary formats (DVD, mp3, avi, etc.).

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Recover deleted files with Foremost on Linux

Did you ever deleted some important files and panicked on how to recover it? On Linux there is Foremost that can come to the rescue.
Not many users know that deleting a file from a file manager or with ‘rm’ from a terminal is not enough to really remove it from your hard disk; these methods simply remove the “link” that map the hard drive area that is containing the file to the file system record for the file in question, but that hard drive area will continue to contain the file data until the file system decides to reuse the area for a new file.
Foremost can analyze a specific directory or the entire hard drive looking for any deleted files to recover; it also allow to select the file type to search.

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