Did you ever had an important conversation on Skype that was so full of important details that you had problems keeping up writing them down?
If you use Skype on Linux, there is “Skype Call Recorder” that allows you to record the conversation for easy listening later on.e’s how to install and use it on Linux.
Operative systems
Find all the guides and reviews about the major operative systems.
Use Google Translate from a Linux terminal
If you often had to work with foreign languages or actually English is not your native language, you probably often used Google Translate. Naturally you have always been using it from your favourite browser, but what if you are working on a Linux terminal and got a string of text to translate?
You can do it directly from the command line instead of having to access a browser on the side. To do that you need “Google Translate CLI”.
Shutdown or restart Ubuntu from Dash
If you want to be able to end the current session of Ubuntu or even shut down / restart your PC rapidly from Dash instead of having to click around various menu, you have to install “power-commands”.